Stop!!! Violence against women is a worldwide problem that affects women of all ages, ethnicities, races, nationalities and socio-economic backgrounds. Some forms of violence are gender-based and impact women more disproportionately, such as domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, human trafficking, child abusement and acid attack. Beside these, Indian society is facing two more major violences against women Girl child foeticide and dowry demands. It is very shameful to say that this society is not safe for females even in this 21st century. Somewhere, little young girls are molested by some sick minded people; somewhere 80 years old lady has to be treated very badly; somewhere if a girl wants to protest against eve teasing she has to be a victim of acid attack. It is seen that some people being upset on the birth of a girl child in thei5r family and the same people look for little young girls to worship on the days of NAVRATRAs. Girl child foeticide, ...